Highly Rated Practical Bible Courses

Make your LIFE
the talk of the world


Subject Areas

Being a first-choice Bible Training Program. Our process applies techniques from a variety of disciplines.


Discover the Covenant (that God started with Abraham and completed in Jesus) -what belongs to you and why.


Uncover and understand God’s judicial system – including His court system, how He hands down judgments, and how to receive a winning sentence from Him.

Life & Peace

Our process applies techniques from various disciplines, distinction in detail, and gives careful attention to maturing spiritually and having a spiritual mindset that produces Life & Peace.

How We Work

Work Process


Listen to the Lectures

Listen to Andrew’s teaching sessions, follow along in your own Bible, and jot down things that stand out to you.


Submit Your Lessons Learned

After each session, write down four lessons you learned from the teaching, along with action steps you will immediately apply in your life.


Receive Feedback/Coaching

We will work with you to create a personalized plan to help you identify and achieve your God-given purpose.